We take clothes size 0-14 for all seasons. For sizes 0-18 months, we are looking for complete outfits only (i.e., no separates). Please make sure you put your outfits together so we will recognize them as such. However, do not pin them together as we do not take clothes with holes. We are looking for items that are freshly laundered, unstained, in current style and in great condition. Please bring the clothes laid out flat in a bin or a tote, not folded or on hangers. This helps us to evaluate the items more quickly (the more you fold, the more we have to unfold). Please do not bring your items in garbage bags.
We are also interested in equipment, toys, books, shoes and stylish maternity wear. If any toys or equipment have batteries, please leave the batteries in so we can be sure it works. We do not take car seats, cribs, bassinets, bedding, stuffed animals, most furniture items (with the exception of toddler beds & mattresses) or decorative items. We pay cash or 20% more in store credit for children's items. We offer store credit for maternity wear.
We are open Monday - Saturday 9AM - 7PM. Our buying hours are 9AM - 6PM Monday - Saturday. We require that you stay in the store while we pre-sort your items. It takes roughly 20 minutes to pre-sort a single bin. It may take longer depending on how many other sellers are in front of you. Please plan accordingly.
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